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Specialized consultations

Support for people suffering at work

Contacted in 2018 by a general practitioner to follow many of his patients on sick leave due to professional burnout, I developed psychological expertise in the care of those problems.


Subsequently, I perfected my approach by obtaining a master's degree in business management.


Today, I use psychology and management sciences together to support my patients.


The causes of suffering at work are multiple and often combined. Specific psychological follow-up is often indicated.


This will involve understanding your professional environment (excessive workload, unstimulating missions, lack of organizational flexibility, etc.), and discovering how you possibly contribute to your unhappiness.


An example: Mr. B. has always loved his job. But when his manager changed, all hell broke loose. His other coworkers still feel good at work, even though they find the man "cold and harsh on occasion".


Analysis will show that indeed, Mr. B's new manager is tyrannical and difficult to please, but he also tends to search for love and appreciation in the wrong places. 


Mister B. will better understand his manager's personality and why it has such a bad impact on him. Then we will work on his low self-esteem and sometimes, take other actions: ask for a department change, change of firm, etc.


Are you interested in this journey? Contact me now.

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